Osteopathy FAQ’s

  • Osteopathy is a holistic approach to treatment that aims to pinpoint areas of the body experiencing restriction or constriction, and then gently alleviates these limitations, allowing for the restoration of normal function.

  • Osteopathy can assist with a wide range of conditions, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, sports injuries, joint problems, and issues related to posture. It's also beneficial for general well-being and stress relief.

  • Osteopaths use a variety of manual techniques, such as manipulation, stretching, and massage, to address musculoskeletal imbalances. By restoring proper alignment and function, the body can heal itself more effectively.

  • Your initial visit will include a comprehensive assessment, which may involve a discussion of your health history, a physical examination, and potentially diagnostic tests. Our osteopathic physicians will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan based on your unique health goals.

  • Osteopathic manipulative treatment is generally not painful. Many patients find the techniques used to be gentle and relaxing. Our osteopathic physicians prioritize your comfort throughout the treatment.

  • The initial assessment is 60 minutes with follow up appointments lasting 30 minutes.

  • The number of sessions required varies based on the nature and severity of your condition. Your osteopath will provide guidance on the recommended treatment plan during your initial consultation.