Best Foods For Men's Bones


By now, we hope you know that your bones require calcium to stay strong. Milk, yogurt, and cheese are the essential staples for buff bones. But you shouldn't ignore what most guys think of as a women's issue. When men hit the age of 30, their bones grow at a slower rate and start to disintegrate more quickly.

It's about time you brush up on your bone health. It's not just about getting your recommended 1,000 mg of calcium each day, but also about consuming grub with nutrients you need to help store that precious calcium—like vitamin D, potassium, and manganese.

power foods for Men.

  • Peanuts or Walnuts: Men suffering from osteoporosis often have a shortage of zinc, a nutrient found in peanuts or walnuts that aids in bone formation. Zinc multiplies enzymes called alkaline phosphatase that stimulates bone growth. However, just stick to 11 mg of zinc a day as recommended by the National Institute of Health. Going overboard can lead to glamorous side effects such as nausea, stomach cramps, or headaches.

  • Macadamia Nuts: Macadamia nuts are rich in phosphorus and manganese—both of which have been shown to strengthen your skeleton. Combined with calcium, phosphorous helps build bone structure, and low levels of manganese have been linked with poor bone formation, according to the National Institute of Health. A handful of nuts a day are also a great source of monounsaturated fat, which is said to increase your supply of testosterone.

  • Beer or Wine: Downing one to two drinks led to a 4.5 percent stronger bone density than those who stuck to virgin drinks. Beer contains silicon, a chemical that produces proteins linked with denser bones and more flexible joints. Keep in mind, a drunken night out won't give your bones super strength. The key is moderation: those who knocked back more than 3 drinks had a 5.2 percent lower density and increased risk for fractures. Heavy drinking causes breakdowns in your body, including lowering of B vitamins that are important for bone health.

  • Fatty Fishes: Swallowing some sardines or salmon provides your recommended amount of vitamin D as well as calcium and protein. Without vitamin D, all that precious calcium you are eating would not be absorbed through your gut into your bones.

  • Green Leafy Vegetables: Stock your fridge with spinach, kale, and collared greens for sources of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K. Low levels of vitamin K are linked to low bone mass and increased risk of hip fractures.

  • Citrus: Citrus such as lemons, limes, and oranges are overflowing with vitamin C, an essential nutrient for collagen formation and healing fractures.

  • Bananas: Bananas provide you with potassium, which neutralizes acids that take calcium out of the body. An Australian study showed elderly women had 8 percent denser bones if they packed their diets with potassium, but again, the study authors emphasized this matters for men, too. Not a banana fan? Cantaloupe and leafy greens are excellent potassium power foods, says Bowerman.

  • Raisins: Filled with magnesium and potassium, dried grapes help you keep the calcium you're consuming. Another Tufts University study showed that people whose diets were lacking their Mg and K lost 4 to 5 percent more bone density over a year than those whose snacking habits contained more of these small nutritional powerhouses.

  • Chinese food: Look for non-fried dishes filled with edamame, broccoli, brown rice, or Chinese cabbage—all ingredients brimming with calcium or magnesium, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation. Be sure to hold or go easy on the soy sauce, though. A Canadian study showed that when salt leaves the body, it takes calcium with it.


    Overindulging on caffeine can block calcium from entering into your bones, sabotaging the role of vitamin D. If you must go with your morning pick-me-up, counteract caffeine's negative effects by adding milk to your espresso, providing you with more calcium to seep into your skeleton.


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